Inflation Curves
  • 25 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Inflation Curves

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Article summary


Inflation Curves are used to increase Expenses or Income over the useful life of the Site. Curves can be set up to be the same aqmount each year (2% per year). Or can be set as variable (5% for the first 5 years and 2% for the remainder of the project).

Setting up Inflation Curves

Step 1, Open the INFLATION CURVE tab (1) and click on New INFLATION CURVE (2).

IC 0 24.png

Step 2, add the Name (1) and click the Add Inflation Curve Detail button (2).

FC 2 24.png

Step 3, Input the first Year (1), the related Percent (2) Save and Close (3).

FC 3 24.png

Step 4, open Grid Edit (1).

FC 4 24.png

Step 5, Fill in the Grid (1), (2), (3). Use the right click feature to fill down where possible (4).

FC 6 24.png

Remember, all of this information can be added or changed at any time.

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